At Pet Camp, we’ve always believed that cats, like dogs, need to be active and have enriched days. We know that there are some people who think that cats can just be left alone all day with water, food and litter box; but we know better. It’s nice to know that the folks at Purina (ok, not always the most up to date brand out there) agree with us (so at least they are up to date about this).
Why do cats get bored and what are the risks?

Purina published a blog that in part says: “Just like humans, cats get bored while cooped up at home. Boredom in cats can take the form of unwanted cat behaviors like scratching, chewing, aggression and can even cause health issues.”
What’s the solution to cat boredom?
Plain and simple: enrichment! Yup, the pet enrichment specialists at Purina list several ideas for cat enrichment – as you might have guessed, Cat Safari has it covered. Let’s compare with what Purina recommends.
Purina: Designated Time Together-doing something for 15 minutes together with your cat.
Cat Safari: Our VIP session is 15-minutes of a counselor and your cat doing whatever your cat enjoys.- Purina: Movement – cats like chasing objects and lights.
Cat Safari: Club lighting mounted in the ceilings and 5 foot tall bubble tubes say it all. - Purina: Time To Explore & Sensory Spots – create spaces for cats to explore, sit and nap
Cat Safari: How about a Safari Solarium with places to climb, explore, or just nap in the warm sun? One-of-a-kind pet care facility in San Francisco.
Told you, we’ve got this cat enrichment thing covered. Still not convinced? Take our video tour and see all that Cat Safari has to offer your cat while boarding at Pet Camp.