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Campy with the Pet Camp Express van

Hug Your Cat Day! – Pet Camp

June 2, 2016

It’s Hug Your Cat Day! Here is a video that tells you 7 ways to hug your cat, because you know we love cats here at Pet Camp. Want to send your cat on a Cat Safari? Learn how: Cat Safari

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Campy with the Pet Camp Express van

What To Do If Your Dog Overheats – Pet Camp

May 16, 2016

With summer fast approaching, it’s important to not only keep yourself cool, but also your pets. Detecting and treating overheating symptoms quickly in your pet could save their life. If after playing out in the sun, you notice that your dog is panting excessively, breathing heavily or noisily, and/or vomiting, quickly take them inside or to…

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Campy with the Pet Camp Express van

Pet Cancer Awareness – Pet Camp

April 29, 2016

We recommend that people watch out for changes from the norm in their pets. So if the energy is down, if the appetite is low, if there’s increases in thirst or urination, changes in mobility, limping or stiffness, anything like that, persistent vomiting or diarrhea, persistent coughing or sneezing, so anything that’s different from the norm,…

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Campy with the Pet Camp Express van

Dogs Playing: Bruno at Play – Pet Camp

July 21, 2015

Bruno is ready for a forever home! Watch More: Great with kid and cats and amazing with other dogs! Help us find Bruno a new home.

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Campy with the Pet Camp Express van

Pet Excersises: Range Of Motion – Pet Camp

June 10, 2015

Learn how to do range of motion exercises for your pets. Going forward and holding for ten seconds, stretching out that hip. Look how relaxed Bruno is, happy as can be. And then back for ten seconds, holding it and stretching it out. Happy, relaxed. And then back in. No stress for anybody involved.

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Campy with the Pet Camp Express van

How To Become a Star Camper – Pet Camp

April 1, 2014

Pet Camp is where pets do what pets love – We have lots of different activities and lots of options. Each cat is really different, so we have a lot of activities, a lot of different choices for cats. We have extra wide windowsills, for those cats who like to lie in the sun and check…

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