Dogs Playing In The Rain

There is about a month left in California’s rainy season and if there is any hope of taking showers this Summer, we better hope for a lot more storms. But while the rain is needed, for many pet parents rain equates to slogging through puddles with your dog as you convince both of you that a walk is needed, as well as lots of wet towels and paw prints all over your house.

At Pet Camp we get asked all the time “what happens when it rains and my dog wants to play?” Well, funny you should ask:

  • If a dog wants to go outside and play in the rain – that’s what we do! Barring a safety issue (thunder or lightning) if a dog wants to play outside, we play outside. That’s what rain gear is for! Yes, playing in the Savannah in the rain means dogs get wet and muddy; luckily, we have a bathing room! Post-playing in the rain and mud is the perfect time for a dog to get a nice brush out, nail trim and bath.
  • What if your dog is not so fond of the rain? The Meadow with the roof closed is the perfect solution. Dogs who want to play but don’t like getting wet can spend the day romping on K9 grass under our glass retractable roof. Still, plenty of fresh air thanks to our Big Ass Fans, but staying warm and dry.

No matter what kind of dog you have, your dog can spend the day at doggie day care and come home tired and clean. Book the Pet Camp Express or use our curbside check in/out and you won’t even need to get out of your slippers the next time the Pineapple Express comes through town.
Thanks for reading.

During wet and dry weather Pet Camp’s 20,000 sq. feet of play area makes it the best place in San Francisco for doggie day care or overnight care (boarding).  If you are a pet parent in need of boarding for your dog or cat, doggie day care, pet transportation or bathing give us a call.


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