International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Avast, ye mateys! It’s coming to that time o’ year again: International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Although having absolutely nothing at all to do with cats or dogs, Talk Like A Pirate Day happens to be Mark’s favourite day of the year, and as the cap’n of this ship, whatever Mark wants, Mark gets! Bring your 4-legged swashbuckler down to Pet Camp on September 19th, talk like a pirate (or just mention the day), and we’ll give your pet a special treat (pint o’ dog grog, anyone?).  It’s too bad Mark got around to fixing his teeth; this is the one day of the year Virginia is o.k. with him not having a few front teeth.  P.S. we just got word that Mark loves this holiday so much that he decided to spend the day at Treasure Island in Las Vegas!

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