One Cat is Great – is Two Even Better?

At Cat Safari we’re used to taking care of lots of cats.  We suspect that Brittany and her team have cleaned about 300,000 litter boxes in the 10 years that Brittany’s been the Cat Safari manager.  Now we don’t suggest you go to this extreme, but if you love having one cat in your house, have you thought about a second?  If so, and we hope you have, here are some quick pointers:

  1. Think about your current cat.

You know your cat best.  If your cat is at the stage of it’s life where change is no longer welcome, then it’s probably best to wait for a new cat.  If, contrariwise, your cat is generally easy going, then it’s probably perfectly fine to add a second cat to your home.  Of course, consider your cat’s age and personality when selecting your next cat.  Will a kitten be a welcome addition or overwhelming?

  1. Take is Slow.

Introducing cats too quickly can lead to stress, tension, and territorial disputes. Instead, opt for a gradual introduction process that allows both cats to acclimate to each other’s presence. Start by keeping the new cat in a separate room equipped with food, water, litter box, and comfortable hiding spots. Allow the cats to sniff each other’s scents under the door.  You might think about gradually swapping bedding and toys to familiarize them with each other’s scent.

  1. Supervised and Short Meetings

Once both cats show signs of curiosity and relaxation, you can proceed to supervised face-to-face meetings. Keep the initial interactions short and controlled, gradually increasing the duration as the cats become more comfortable with each other. Use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, to reward calm and friendly behavior.

  1. Separate Resources

To prevent resource guarding and conflicts over territory, ensure each cat has access to their own food and water bowls, litter boxes, scratching posts, and resting areas. Having multiple resources reduces competition and promotes harmony between cats.

  1. Be Patient and Vigilant

Building a bond between two cats takes time, so be patient and allow them to establish their own relationship at their own pace.   Even after the initial introduction period, it’s essential to monitor the cats’ interactions closely, especially during feeding time and when introducing new toys or sleeping areas. Keep an eye out for any signs of aggression or stress and be prepared to intervene if necessary. Avoid forcing interactions or expecting immediate friendship.

Still not convinced?  Have you checked out Stan Lee and Squid at the Main Campground or Captain and Kip at Cat Safari?  We took the same advice we are offering you and had great success!

Thanks for reading.