Our Last Few Days With Bruno

This Friday we are scheduled to bring Bruno back to San Francisco Animal Care and Control with the hope that he’ll find a family from their pit bull rescue. Gone will be the swimming pool, the 6,000 square feet of field turf to play on, the 13,000 square foot Savannah to explore, and all the Pet Camp counselors who have come to love Bruno so very much. While we may have succeeded in Bruno’s rehabilitation and socialization we failed at the larger and more important goal of getting Bruno a forever home before we had to bring him back to a pit bull rescue.
For this we are sorry – sorry to the folks at ACC that we may have let down; sorry to the families that came to meet Bruno but for one reason or another things just didn’t work out; sorry to the Pet Camp counselors who put in such amazing work with Bruno; but mostly, we are sorry for Bruno. Bruno deserves a home! He should not be just another black pit bull waiting at San Francisco Animal Care and Control for a family, or waiting for a pit bull rescue group that has the capacity to take him in, or waiting for a foster home that might be able to house him for a few weeks, or waiting for San Francisco SPCA to be willing to take a chance on a dog that might not be adopted right away. Bruno deserves a home!

We want to thank everyone at Friends of Animal Care and Control for their financial support of Bruno, the veterinarians at Nor Cal Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital for their assistance, all of you who liked our Bruno Blog and shared it with others in the hope that we could get Bruno a forever home, and the professionals at San Francisco Animal Care and Control who will be caring for Bruno starting next week. We will miss having him around and wish him only the very best.
Thanks for reading!

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