Pet Camp Blog

Keep up-to-date on the latest pet-related news.

Campy with the Pet Camp Express van

Declawing Cats Finally Called Amputation

September 18, 2014

Declawing cats has been illegal in San Francisco since 2009.  The last time I even had a serious conversation about declawing a cat was during the height of the AIDs epidemic when some of my friends argued that it was the only way they would be able to keep a cat in their lives. That said, it remains…

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Campy with the Pet Camp Express van

Resource Guarding in Dogs

September 10, 2014

I use the term resource guarding all the time at San Francisco’s Pet Camp to refer to a dog who “guards” its food or belongings from people or other dogs and who reacts when you try and take those objects away. I thought this is what the term meant and how pretty much everyone used it…

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Campy with the Pet Camp Express van

Fear Factor

September 3, 2014

I was reading this month’s DVM360 magazine’s article on the need for veterinarians to prioritize the emotional wellbeing of their patients, and it said some things about stress in pets that took me aback. Frankly, I was really surprised by both the content and tone of the article and here’s why. Dogs and cats have…

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Campy with the Pet Camp Express van

Biotech Drugs for Pets

August 26, 2014

August is National Pet Immunization month and while we’re all familiar with the standard vaccines, according to a recent article in The New York Times, pet medications may be entering a brave new world. Traditionally pet vaccines and medications have been developed by big pharmaceutical companies who first focus on developing products for livestock and then…

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Campy with the Pet Camp Express van

The Mystery of the Cat Purr

August 6, 2014

This blog post is by David Aguilar, front desk counselor We all love when our kitties purr with delight. People have been puzzled for centuries on how and why they do it. Cats purr when they are content, but also when injured, under distress or in labor. Cats can purr uninterrupted while inhaling and exhaling.…

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Campy with the Pet Camp Express van

What’s Up With San Francisco’s Dog Safety Net?

July 30, 2014

For the second time in as many months we’ve been confronted with the possibility of a dog being abandoned at Pet Camp. This kind of stuff hasn’t happened since the first dot-com boom in the late 1990s (so be aware, San Francisco City planners, if you think the current boom is going to last forever…

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