K9 Enrichment Programs
Your dog prefers to not play with other dogs or need more mental and physical stimulation than group play can provide? Discover our K9 Enrichment programs: unique customizable programs that caters to all types of dogs. Make a Reservation Download the App – iOS Download the App – Android
Read MoreDog Training and Driver’s Ed
Some of you may know that I have 4 children (the type with 2 legs). Like most families where both parents work outside the home, we have divided up the chores and other household responsibilities. Some of this allocation is based on preference and some on skill set, and through this I ended up being…
Read MoreDoggie Day Care Density – Pet Camp vs. Other Dog Daycare Facilities.
How to pick the right doggie daycare facility in San Francisco? Pet Camp is not the largest doggie day care facility in San Francisco. There is one doggie day care facility that has more physical space than Pet Camp and there are a few doggie day care facilities that accept more dogs for day care…
Read MoreSkip The Counseling Session – Get a Dog!
Last month a blog in Psychology Today asked the question “Is Your Dog Really Helping You Make It Through the Pandemic?” and then went on to explain about a survey to answer the question. An online survey got responses from 1,900 pet parents in the United States age 18 to 64 who were employed full…
Read MoreCat Man Do – How to Keep Your Cat Active in San Francisco
Nope, not a typo. We all know there’s a difference between Kathmandu and what a Cat Man Do (or Cat Man Does if we’re being grammar sticklers). Frankly, it’s almost endless what a Cat (Man) Can Do. As a quick editorial aside: PLEASE, we know that there are some who believe if we say Cat…
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