Pet Camp Blog

Keep up-to-date on the latest pet-related news.

Fashion in the Pet Care Industry – San Francisco Bay Area Style

October 6, 2020

I was never a fashionista – jeans and a t-shirt were my clothes of choice even when it was expected that I would wear nicer clothes to work. Scooping poop for a living was simply an excuse for dressing down even more (shorts and a t-shirt) and only when I turned 45 (a long-long time…

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K9 Enrichment

FAQs About K9 Enrichment

October 3, 2020

Hi, this is Mackenzie, Pet Camp’s K9 Enrichment Coordinator again.  In my last blog I introduced our K9 Enrichment program. Now that you know what it is, some of you may have specific questions. Here are some common FAQs that I’ve heard lately that will hopefully provide you with some answers! Will my dog still…

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K9 enrichment

What is the K9 Enrichment Program and Who Can Join?

October 1, 2020

The following is a guest blog by Mackenzie Moran, Pet Camp’s Canine Enrichment Coordinator. She came to Pet Camp in November 2019 from a small dog walking, training, and overnight care company in San Francisco. During her 5 years there she ran off-leash outings that involved everything from basic commands and play manners to building…

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Camper at Pet Camp

The Worst Thing About Working at Pet Camp

September 24, 2020

This is a guest blog by Michelle Barrera. I almost never editorialize on blogs written by the Counselors, but this blog is amazing. It is both uplifting and sad, and, if I may, very much worth the few minutes it will take you to read it. Mark. This week I had the pleasure of meeting…

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Busy parent

Busy Parents, Doggie Daycare Can Help

September 24, 2020

Parents, can you relate? With home-sweet-home turning into a WFH office, a school, and a recreation area, it seems like the house got smaller. And when the kitchen feels like a three-ring circus and a “pandemic pup” could use a break too, Pet Camp would like to help our stir crazy dogs—and their humans/parents/teachers/workers—with doggie…

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Kitty at Cat Safari

The Cat Adoption Experience During Covid-19

September 22, 2020

This is guest blog by Michelle Barrera. This past weekend I went down to my local East Bay animal shelter to meet some adoptable kittens. Although I already share my home and life with my best friend Magoo (who is a wonderful companion), I’ve been missing a feline presence in my house and figure it’s…

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