Pet Camp Blog

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cat safari

CATastrophies: When to know if it’s an Emergency

October 24, 2019

This is a guest blog by Brittany Carey, Pet Camp Safari’s new Top Cat. While they often seem easier in the maintenance department than dogs, cats can be frustratingly tricky when it comes to knowing when you should seek immediate veterinary attention. Often, many health issues in cats have subtle or seemingly undetectable symptoms. Here…

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dog on the playground

Not New News: San Francisco is a Bad Place for a Small Business

October 17, 2019

The counting is over and San Francisco is the number 1 worst place in the United States to start and run a small business. To be fair to the other competitors, we do want to acknowledge the hard work Little Rock Arkansas has done in making it so difficult to get permits that it actually…

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cat safari

Pot and Your Pet: Take it or Leaf It?

October 10, 2019

Cannabis and Your Pet? CBD is all the rage for pets.  Go to a trade show: CBD is everywhere.  Join an online pet forum: CBD discussions abound.  But NOT at your California veterinarian. Why? California veterinarians fear reprisal for discussing something that is still prohibited under Federal law.  Well, that might be changing soon. California…

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dog playing with a ball

Brexit, Who Cares? – the Brit’s Have a Million Dogs with Mental Health Disorders!

October 3, 2019

Sure the Brits are worried about Brexit, the economic wonks (yes, that’s a real word) around the world are cogitating about the potential economic impact of a hard Brexit and Boris Johnson doesn’t seem to ever have a good day. But we say stop the presses, as there is much more important news coming out…

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camp counselors

Firing a Counselor: Right Thing To Do – Still A Miserable Experience

September 24, 2019

Last week I had to let a counselor go from Pet Camp. It was the first time in ages that I personally had to fire someone and, frankly, it sucked. It was the right thing to do – for both the counselor and Pet Camp – but it was still pretty miserable. I guess firing…

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ribbon cutting

Unveiling the Meadow

September 18, 2019

Now that the dogs have beta tested the Meadow for a few months we thought it was time for the official “Ribbon Cutting.”   Think of this as the first dog pooping on the turf but for humans.   Frankly, since the Meadow (like everything else at Pet Camp) was built for pets we weren’t convinced that…

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