Pet Camp Blog

Keep up-to-date on the latest pet-related news.

Campy with the Pet Camp Express van

Pet Camp Turns 20!

April 25, 2017

As shocking as this sounds, it is true!  On May 5th 1997 Pet Camp opened for business in San Francisco.  It’s been an amazing and wild 20 years.  When we opened, people in the boarding industry thought we were crazy to allow dogs from different families to play together; today, dog group play and doggie…

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Splash and her prom posse


April 17, 2017

It’s prom time once again. That time of year when 16, 17 & 18 year olds get dressed up, put a corsage on a wrist and try not to stab someone when pinning on a boutonniere.  But before that eventful evening, someone has to offer a promposal.   Promposals come in all shapes and sizes just…

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bowls of dog food

Prescription Pet Food: Why Is It So Expensive?

April 7, 2017

Sadly, almost every pet parent has been to the veterinarian for some reason and ended up having to purchase prescription pet food.  After picking yourself up off the floor when you realized the pet food costs more than your monthly home food budget, you purchase the food and while still cussing under your breath head…

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Looking at Colleges and Your Pet

March 31, 2017

I’m spending this week with 2 of my 3 children who are high school juniors looking at colleges on the East Coast.  Now what does this have to do with your pet you’re wondering?  Well, shockingly a lot. As I walk around these campuses, watch the hustle and bustle of the late teen and the…

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Campy with the Pet Camp Express van

Dog Bite Prevention

March 26, 2017

A big part of preventing a dog bite is being able to assess the situations when it is appropriate or not appropriate to approach a dog. Hope you enjoy!

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napping cat

News Flash: Cat Ownership Not Linked to Mental Illness!

March 20, 2017

We know, you’re thinking WTF?  But we don’t make this stuff up and haven’t you wondered if the crazy old lady with all those cats was actually crazy?  Well breathe easy, because as reported in Science Daily, new research from the University College London has found no link between cat ownership and psychotic symptoms.  The…

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