Pet Camp’s New Retractable Roof – What It Adds

Pet Camp has always prided itself on being the pet care facility for pets – not humans.  We’re not posh, we don’t spend our money on branded dog beds or food carts, we spend our money (which means the money you spend with us) on the things we think will make your pet’s stay amazing.

So, what were we thinking with this retractable roof thing?  Have we finally succumbed to the opulence that is now San Francisco?  Has Mark finally given up on the notion of his beloved New York Giants ever beating the Dallas Cowboys and decided to copy Jerry Jones?  Wrong on both counts!

Sure, a retractable roof is cool, but we installed it for your dogs, not our ego.  Pet Camp prides itself on our play space. We currently have 20,000 square feet of outdoor play space – way, way more than any other San Francisco pet care facility.  But we’ve never had any sizable indoor play space. Sure we think dogs should play outside as much as possible, but we also know that there are times when having the option to play indoors is a good idea.  As part of our remodel we are adding about 3,000 square feet of indoor play space!

While having an indoor play space is a great idea, when we visit other doggie daycare or lodging/boarding facilities one of the things we often don’t like is how they’ve set up their indoor play spaces.

Some facilities make the dogs play on cement floors (which are easier to clean but not always great for the dogs) while others install artificial turf (which is nicer for the dogs but often doesn’t drain well and smells).  We wanted to build an indoor dog park that combined the best of all that we’d seen.

Pet Camp’s new indoor dog park (we’re calling it The Meadow) will have artificial turf with both drainage and a rinse system. This will allow us to clean and disinfect the Meadow on a regular basis. We also know that fresh air and sunshine (UV light) are the best disinfectants and we wanted to make sure that there was plenty of both in the Meadow.  To make this possible we removed the roof above half the Meadow and installed a glass roof that measures 15’ wide and 96’ long (talk about sunshine streaming in!).

The middle of the roof, 15’ by 48’, will open up (it will roll over the outside portions of the roof) allowing an amazing amount of fresh air into the Meadow.  On rainy days we can simply close the roof to allow the dogs to play inside and stay dry, and when the rain stops push a button and open it back up.  The Meadow should be the best of both indoor and outdoor play.


But wait, there’s more!  One of the other advantages of adding the Meadow is that we can now offer a dog-friendly event space to others.  If you want to use the Meadow in the evening for a dog-friendly event (maybe a social gathering or a fundraiser) give us a call.   We’d love for others to enjoy this new space as much as we plan to.

Thanks for reading.

Pet Camp has been providing award-winning pet care to San Francisco’s dog and cats for over 20 years.  We are proud to offer doggie daycare, overnight care, dog training, bathing and pick up and drop off services.  If you have any questions about dog or cat care, give us a call.

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